Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Another Photograph Of The River

This image of the river was provided by Don N, a listener.


Anonymous said...

Kevyn - Beautiful picture. I run around Pike Island in Snelling State Park - not only do I think of you, but I realize how many others are out there that could use a thought and a prayer. I'm looking forward to hearing you on Monday - I've always had my radio on while I work and have gotten to know and care about you.

Anne said...

Hello, Kevyn. I just came across your blog for the first time, and I'm really enjoying it. I know I'll be back. Health and peace.



I cross the MN River on Hwy 77 a lot but the day you talked about thinking about you when crossing the river - the most beautiful white egret flew across the bridge. Sometimes there are hundreds of them. I see you soaring with them during your journey.


Anonymous said...

Can you take another water moment? I was thinking of how a pebble makes ripples that carry throughout the pond until it reaches shore. That's how I'm thinking of you now.