Friday, June 1, 2007

friday countdown

Twenty four hours from right now, it begins in earnest.
The prelude to this drama is ending and we are about to move on to the main body of the story.
This afternoon I have the sentinel node biopsy. An injection of radioactive dye that will identify lymph nodes during surgery tomorrow.
Today I am going to bike around the lakes, inhaling that fragrant combination of cut grass, honeysuckle and the loamy perfume of the turned earth. Then I'm going to float for a long while in the bathtub. I plan the full, uber-indulgent girl soak, with potions and candles and music. Kind of my last date with the full body that has served me so faithfully. I've got to be thankful for these elements of my physical self that I must lose and will always miss. I have to clear the way to welcome the parts that will come next--for those man-manufactured parts that will come during reconstruction surgery will be ME, too. Not replacement parts...but me, and mine. Different. An emblem of my transformation.
I am seeking a connection with the spirit of peace and with my creator.

June first is my dear husband's birthday. Last year we tossed him a nice party.

I am almost ready. Don't worry about me. This is not my time.


Kelly said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you. enjoy this gorgeous day to the fullest. I will have my little ones add an extra prayer for you at bedtime tonight. happy bday to your hub.
love and prayers,

Sammy said...

I'm sending energy to float along with you on your lake tour and in the bath, and on to the sterile place.

Miranda said...

No, its not your time. And next year, you can have a bigger party, for both of you! You're all in my prayers!

Finding My New Normal said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet husband (And your former co-host Colleen!).

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you enjoy today and prepare for tomorrow.

I miss you on the radio but look forward to your return.

Anonymous said...


Today is a beautiful day, may you enjoy every second of it. You have always been an inspiration to all of your listeners, and I appreciate you including us on your journey. Stay Strong. My prayers fo out to you and your family. God Bless.

Carol Brown said...

Hello Kevyn, I've been lighting candles for you, burning lights of positive energy...


Jean M said...


I'll be thinking about you and praying for you today and tomorrow and every day until you're through this.


Anonymous said...

God loves you and so do all of us. We will be thinking of you as you start your journey to complete health tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I will think of you as I sit in my backyard listening to the water trickling down the rocks in my waterfall. Surrounded by all the smells that remind you the month that it is. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. The road ahead will be bumpy...remember to laugh (we love to hear your laughter on the air and cant wait to hear it again...friend) because laughter, we already knows is the first evidence of freedom.. And you my dear will be free of this cancer soon. God bless you, karguam

"Every Day Holds The Possibility Of A Miracle"

Unknown said...


You've been on my mind and in my prayers since I heard the stunning news. Having had a mother that was diagnosed with Lymphoma last Oct and went through chemo all winter, I have a good idea of what you and your family are going through, however I am here to say that you will get through this and will be a stronger and closer family because of it!! This sounds funny but because of cancer I am more thankful and grateful for all I have been blessed with. I'll be sending you happy thoughts and peaceful prayers in the days and weeks ahead. You are a true inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. Go and "git-r-done.!" Amy

Marti said...

Two decades ago we bonded over SPAM®--as you, the seasoned reporter, took me, the KSTP intern along for the ride as you covered the Hormel meatpackers strike in Austin. It was an amazing experience watching you work all the angles to bring the story home.

We kept in touch early on in my career, but eventually time and distance separated us. Out of touch, yes, but never out of mind. You've always held a special place in my heart, Kevyn.

As you begin adding this unexpected chapter to your personal story, know my prayers are with you. You've always been strong and spunky--and that is something that will help you through this. Modern medicine can't hold a candle to a positive attitude!

Please take things one day at a time, and thank you for allowing all of us to tag along for the ride this time, too.

Anonymous said...

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Have a very peaceful day. I look forward to listening to you after you are recovered.


Anonymous said...

Kevyn I look forward to hearing you on the radio. Every time someone says something interesting I think of you when I say "huh". I'll keep you and yours in my prayers. We were talking about you at work yesterday and all agreed how unbelieveable this all is! Remember you are loved!

Unknown said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. I am a new listener of FM107 from Newton, NJ. I log onto FM107 as soon as I get to work and listen all day long. I am sending lots of positive energy to you on this beautiful day. May the sun always shine for you and as the sun sets at night may you always have dreams for a new day to start and the sun shine again. God Bless, Holly

Anonymous said...

I am sure this is the least of your concerns at the moment, but I want to take a minute to indulge you in my shallowness. I have breast implants, and while you will miss God's natural gift to you, breast implants are also very fabulous indeed. Just to let you know...

pam said...

Tomorrow at this time, you will be on your way to recovery. Will be thinking of you tomorrow morning. Thank God for what you have, Trust God for what you need. God Bless You Kevyn.

Anonymous said...


I'm not the "wordsmith" that you are. See, we do pay attention to your stories. I find myself moved to tears by what you write and say about your breast cancer. But they are not tears of pity rather they are tears of gratitude for the strength you have been given by your Higher Power and the strength and insight that you pass on to your listeners. I know this journey will be difficult but you will find the gifts sent to you along the way. Thank you for the grace and courage to share the journey with us. It is an honor to be with you.

Sandy B said...

Kevyn: You've got the right, positive attitude and the many prayers of family, friends, and those who've walked the path you're about to embark upon. It certainly won't be a solo journey for you...we'll be with you all the way. Our best to you and your family. Love & hugs, Sandy and Elizabeth Briggs

Mary said...

Hi Kevyn,

As a Minnesota transplant and a Mom just searching for a friend who lives close by, I found that friend in you when I first heard you on the radio. Many times I have told my husband, "we have to find out where that Kevyn Burger lives, I want to be HER neighbor and friend." Sometimes I feel I am surrounded by people who just don't get "it" or get "me." But listening to you every day, makes me realize YOU would get me and my quirkiness and I don't feel so alone is this cul de sac afterall. My heart has been heavy since I heard your news. I saw you at the Race for the Cure and smiled when I heard your laughter. I didn't have the courage to speak to you, as even in my 40s, I feel as if ALL media people are "rock stars" and what would I say to a rock star? Well, next year when I hear you laughing at the Race for the Cure, I'm going to find the courage and give you a huge hug and thank you for your courage and for being my friend when I have felt so alone. God, please hold my friend Kevyn in the palm of your hand tonight and keep her Mom, Dad, husband, children, sister and even her brother "Nelson" there each day, hour, and minute ahead. I know you will beat this beast Kevyn...and be even stronger and funnier and wiser because of it.

Leslie said...

Kevyn, please know that you and your dear family are in my thoughts and my prayers. I just know that you will get thru this difficult time. You have made so many wonderful and caring friends.
We are all here for you.
Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.

Happy Birthday to your hubby. Next year you will give him the best Birthday party ever!
Stay strong, we will await your return, to laugh and listen to you once again.
God bless.

Ivana said...

Dearest Kevyn,

You are such an incredibly important part of my day. I moved here five years ago from a small town and was experiencing shell shock from big city life and loneliness because I knew virtually no one. I quickly gained one friend: Kevyn Burger.

Listening to you, I gained a greater perspective and learned to laugh a little more. I think humor has been key and knowing you on the radio and being touched by your wit and warmth, has deeply enriched my life. I think the ability to inspire laughter is a great gift and I hope that will serve you well as you go through this chaper in your life. Please keep laughing, dear Kevyn.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kevyn - it's late on Friday night and I hope you are not lying awake in your thoughts. I hope you are sleeping peacefully knowing God's grace goes with you tomorrow and each day after that. I will pray for warm sunshine in your recovery. I will pray that your family receives just what they need during the waiting hours. Peace and healing to you.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Kevyn-
Just HAD TO add our Love & Laughter to this.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you and your family this calm beautiful morning as you prepare for your surgery. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and the team of doctors that are taking care of you.

God Bless you,

Diana said...

Know that your listeners love you, and that we are all sending you positive energy for your journey. Kathy is keeping your seat warm. It will be ready for you & so will we, when you are ready for us. May you be blessed with a speedy & quick recovery. We will miss you.

Anonymous said...

Kevyn, I will run an extra 5 miles today for you, thinking positive thoughts every step of the way as you head into your journey. Today is the start of a new tomorrow, filled with tears, joy, admiration, power, and so much love for you Kevyn. You are a role model for us all! love and best thoughts..... Kathy

Mary said...


I have been thinking of you all day.
I am praying your surgery went well, and you are free of cancer.

Stay strong, and GOD BLESS you and your family.


Anonymous said...

I grew up in southeastern MN in a small town on the Mississippi River. I spent all of my summers on our boat on the river. It remains my place of comfort and peace. It is there where I feel total stillness - even in rough waters. In the river, I am able to leave behind any worries and responsibilities. The water gives me permission to just BE. Every time I cross a river, I will indeed send you prayers and healing energy. In addition, this summer when I find my healing time IN the river, I will send you some of that peace as well. I will send it with the intention that it bring you comfort and stillness so that even while you are longing to be on the shores, you may know some serenity in the midst of this journey.

A long time listener,

Julie said...

Kevyn and Family,

I have been thinking of all of you today.

I, too, cross the river on my way to work and will send good thoughts when I do.

Come back to the air when you are ready. We're looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Hello Girlfriend,

Today I watched the clock, 9:30 am-praying for you, your husband, your children and your parents. I hope all is well and you are on the road to recovery. Forget the show...much more important are your loved ones.

I'd like to hear you're doing fine. That's all Kevyn Burger.
Just doing fine.

Joanne Etrum said...

I'll try this again. I'm realizing how little I know about how to blog, and my last three entries to your blog are lost somewhere in cyberspace.
As with so many others, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am a survivor (since last Oct. 16th) of the same breast cancer you are now fighting. It is a rough journey, but one that must be taken given the limited options.
Take advantage of all the pain meds and anything else the docs may prescribe to help you get through this.
I have added you to my breast cancer prayer list. You are my new breast friend. I also see a survivor celebration party in your future. Mine is happening next Saturday, the 9th.
Rest, heal, and bask in the love that surrounds you. God has not abandoned you, but is ever present with you. And let the tears flow whenever they need to. You are not alone in this journey, yet you yourself must go through it, and get through it you will.
Love, hugs and prayers,
Joanne Eittreim

googdroid said...

I shall be praying for you till you completely recover and I am so sure you will be the same old Kevyn (all strong and smart) when you come back to us on Radio.
You know what, God does listen to prayers...

googdroid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NancyA said...

Dear Girlfriend:
You have given us so much on the radio: your fun stories, your life stories, and now today's news. Listen, think like a survivor and you will be one; love like a survivor and love will be there for you; pray with all hope and courage and wonderful gifts will be granted. Keep a journal. I did for five years, and I am now a Survivor!.

My best.

Judy Lucas said...

Dear Kevyn,
As I drove to work yesterday morning,(how beautiful it was), thoughts of you kept pouring into my mind as I then said my silent prayers for you. As you swim in the middle of the river, be sure that when you make your way back to shore, that the good Lord is navigating that boat. We will all be waiting on the shoreline for your return. Stay strong!
A friend from Hoigaard's,
Judy Lucas

Anonymous said...

Two and a half years ago I went through surgery, and all the junk after. 37 years ago my godmother sadly died of breast cancer. 45 years ago my mother-in-law went through her surgery. She happily survived another 40 years. I plan to be like my mother-in-law. This is not my time either. Good luck with your journey, this is your new normal. Take time to smell the roses.

Bri said...

Dear Kevyn,

Holding you in my thoughts, prayers, and laughter every day. You have made me laugh, hard, and cry, hard many times from your seat on the radio show.

I wish I could help you somehow during this journey. I will do what I can, by sending positive thoughts and prayers and laughter your way. Other ways will come to me, I'm sure!


Anonymous said...

It's 3:30am and I wonder if you are awake in the still night...alone with your thoughts?

Remember all those people you met as a reporter...gain strength from your memories of their resilience and the power of the human spirit. Remember the healing you saw as friends helped friends to rebuild. Remember that love and strength can be shared.

Pray for the humility to let others Love you.

Melody said...

I thought about you all weekend. Your niece said that you are recovering nicely. So good to hear! I knew you would. You're a fighter. I like that about you:)

When I think of you I think of this beautiful river we have right in our backyard...literally. We have an acre of land on the Kinnikinnic River in River Falls. If you ever need to borrow our backyard, house or anything else, in order to reflect, it's yours. When I recovered from gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago (not at ALL what you're going through), our backyard and our part of the Kinni were so healing to me. So I offer that to you.

You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Peace, love and hope (our 22 month old daughter's name is Hope) to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin,
I am oceans away from my family, but I feel like FM107 is my family here in MN. When I heard the news, if felt like my family member is Come back soon, I am missing a member of my adopted family, it ain't feel the same.

I'll be across the river waiting and rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am part of your family.When I heard the news I felt I'd been punched in the stomach.I thought of your kids and how they were coping.I presume to know what a strong person you are, and if anyone can get thru this with a complete recovery, it is YOU!You helped save the life of at least one of your listeners, you’re next!You are a rock star!

ColleenAnne said...

Go Kevyn!!! We are all cheering from the shore.
And thank you for your proactiveness prior to your diagnosis. It has awakened the fact that as a mom I owe it to my 3 kids and my husband (as well as myself) to take care of myself as well as I take care of everybody else. I have my 1st mammogram scheduled a couple weeks from now.
Thank you.
Colleen M.

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry that you received such a diagnosis. I am a 12 year survivor and found so much good support from wonderful people. It made all the difference. God Speed your recovery. I know you are strong and brave.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are doing good. You sound Fantastic. My girlfriend had the same type you did and she just finished CHEMO and went through it very strong. I am amazed at the medication that can combat the chemo side effects. You will be the research reporter I love, and you will know exactly what to ask for.
You are going to get through this. We will walk together next year. I saw you this year because I was there with my friend walking for a cure. The end of summer will be the beginning of a new journey for you! A River of Prayers coming your way. "MAE"

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Laura

Hi Kevyn,

I am so sorry to hear your news. I agree with you that your work here is not done and that this will be a "learning obstacle" for you.
The reason that I know your work isn't done is because when I started my own business in 2005, I worked from home and was very lonely. Successful but oh so lonely. I found 107fm and you (I had seen you on TV for many years). I listen everyday. You are my "coworker". The one who says, "Did you see that on TV last night?"; I'll miss you, but I know you need this time right now. I'll be so excited to hear you when you return from your leave. My office misses you and we are saying our prayers for your health. I could not ask for a better, more interesting, funny, sarcastic and witty coworker. Thanks and take good care of yourself.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Beth

Dear Kevyn, Ever since I heard the news, I can't quite get you off my mind. I am thinking about and praying for you, your family, your health care team. I will be in touch. Hope the surgery went well today. God bless.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Neldy

K - I still have the Georgia O'Keefe you gave me after my brother died. Remember, the O'Keefe is called "Road Past the View" you encouraged me to keep plugging until I was on a plateau, and able to take in the view, and appreciate it for all that it was...where I'd been, what I did, when I suceeded or screwed up. Most importantly, I get the metaphor - I look back with few regrets and I enjoy the view. Picturing myself at the top of the mountain surrounded by nature kept me sane. Your kindess towards me is still unmeasured in my book! I've grown up, been in a 10 year relationship and now work in Bloomington. The view from here is great!

Thank you for your kindness, please know I wish you every bit of wonder that you have imparted to others-a peaceful joy to now surround you and keep you smiling on your current journey past the view.

Thank you-sincerely,

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Barbara

Please add me to the long list of people who will think of and pray for you. I'm about a week away from my summer break from teaching third graders and one of the things I was looking forward to was listening to your show with my second cuppa in the mornings. Instead, I will send my positive thoughts your way for swift and complete healing. You have just joined an all-too-large sisterhood. Although I lost my mom to breast cancer in 1988, my sister-in-law is a 15 year survivor. God bless you and keep you.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Cheddy

Didn't realize what you're going through. until I read more stories on line about your cancer..

BUT You're tough!! I know you'll shine through this.

Warm thoughts

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Julie

Kevyn, I just want to say that the recent picture of you on the webpage is adorable.

I was driving into my clinic for my very first mammogram, and you were on the radio announcing the news of your breast cancer. So, I can't stop thinking about you. Be strong.....I will pray for you. Can't wait til you come back 'on air'. Julie

princessalexis said...

on behalf of DeeDee (Dana)

Sat - -Kevyn, Have been thinking of you all day today.
Sending calming and healing thoughts your way and also your family's way.
Crossed the river today and saw you paddling with confidence.
You are loved and appreciated.
DeeDee (Dana)

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Chris

Hello Kevyn,
I am praying for you today as you are in surgery and will continue to keep you in my prayers for a full recovery. I am recently diagnosed with breast cancer and am spending my day today reading up on all the choices I will have regarding reconstruction...I listened to your radio broadcast on line and really drew strength from your words. Thank you for that.
Love & prayers,


princessalexis said...

on behalf of Kristen

Dear Kevyn,
Every time I think of you, I stop to pray for your comfort and healing. I have been a regular listener over my lunch hour each day. I enjoy your show a great deal and I can't wait to hear your friendly, sweet, funny, intelligent, kind voice as soon as possible. May God bless you each day! Love, Kristen

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Susan

God be with you You are in my prayers

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Jan

Hi Kevyn - I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. I am an 11 year survivor of Breast Cancer as well as a 24 year suvivor of Cervical Cancer and am very aware of the road that you have ahead of you.
I would like to share a phrase with you that has helped me thru "God doesn't give us what we can handle: God helps us handle what we are given"; My hope for you is that you find the strength and courage for the road ahead.
If you ever feel the need for someone to chat with - my "door" is open...

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Juli

Oh, the river!! I crossed the river twice today and again thought of you and what you are going through. I listened to your show on Thursday and was filled with many emotions. You are a very strong person. I am glad that you shared this with others. Hopefully it will open some womens eyes to how inportant it is to get a Mammogram.

Kevyn, I am the Mammogram Technologist who took the films for your call-back. I have been thinking and praying for you.
My Birthday is on the 22nd of April and so I have always used the 22nd as my day to do my breast exam.

Also, I was listening to your show the day Alexis called your Mom. My Mother lives out of state so I can relate to how important those conversations are.

I will continue to pray for you and your family and cannot wait to hear your familiar voice on the air again.


princessalexis said...

on behalf of Linda

I just want to let you know that we are all connected and that is why so many people feel your pain. I hope you know that the light in many people is shining bright for you now! I hope you have good sunglasses.


princessalexis said...

on behalf of Denny B


Just wanted to let you know that ALL of us CH 5 old-timers are praying for you, and are with you in this difficult time.

Oh yeah, my mother still remembers you eating rhubarb for the first time! (she's 82)

Denny B.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Teri

Hi Kevyn, just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and your loved ones. When cancer (or any major illness) comes, it creeps into every nook and cranny of our lives. It changes you and everyone who loves you. The trick is in deciding how we let it change us. I wish you many years of being "a custodian" to your kids! God Bless you and yours,

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Pat

Hello Kevyn - I heard your announcement on the air yesterday and just wanted to let you know my thought and prayers are with you as you go on this journey. I will be listening for updates on the radio.

(I am the mom of Ray and Fred who played soccer with Robbie a few years ago.) Take Care!!!


princessalexis said...

on behalf of tania

dear kevyn: i am so sorry to hear about your breast cancer.
i feel like i know you. i used to watch you when you were a reporter for WCCO.
now i listen to your program every a.m. you make me smile every morning.
i enjoy your "take on things" and the refreshing and honest way you have of interacting with your guests.
i just want to say i am thinking of you and pray daily for your recovery and good health.
God Bless You

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Mary


My heart breaks for you. Let me just pass on an encouraging word-KEEP SMILING-WE SURVIVORS ARE HOLDING YOU UP!!! As you start this journey you will find and hear of ALL THE SURVIVORS OUT THERE!
I am 2 years out and going strong-You will be here soon!


princessalexis said...

on behalf of lance m.

hi kevyn, some words i live by. i can make it through anything with time energy friends and family. some history my dad my father in law and myself are living with cancer good luck god bless and all that jazz. lance

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Peg

Hi Kevyn...I just wanted you to know that my thoughts & prayers are with you & your family during this time. Blessings to you.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Margery M.

My thoughts are with you as you go through this difficult journey. Wishing you continued strength and a healthy future.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Linda

I have walked in your shoes 3 yrs ago. Had a masectomy, sentinal nodes removed, tram flap reconstructive surgery. About 8 hours on the operating table. My cancer turned out to be Her2Nu positive. I went on to chemo and 1 year of Herceptin. I am alive and well and plan to stay that way. Having stronger faith then fear is what kept me positive, a great wig helps too! You are in my prayers.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Vicki

Sad to hear your news Kevyn. May you only gain a richer, more appreciative life from your physical challenges. Heal well, heal quickly. You'll be missed on the air~Rivers of love are flowing to you!

princessalexis said...

On behalf of Carla

Hi, Kevyn

I'm the Carla you so kindly shared your rhubarb bar recipe with a couple weeks ago. I just want to tell you how sorry I am you are going to have to "jump through the hoops." I have no doubt that you'll come out on top....but it's those darned "hoops"! There are so many success stories now...some of which have come from my own family...I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Take Care!
PS.....I'll keep you posted on the bars! Will be making them next week.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Holly

My sister and I enjoy your show - your humor and intellegence are consistently entertaining and inspiring. We are praying for your speedy recovery, God Bless you and your family.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Martina


My heart was so heavy for you when I heard the news...I listen to your show every morning on my way into work. Just wanted to send my prayers to you and let you know I will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Bruns

Hi Kevyn,

Just wanted you to know my whole family is praying for you. Hang in there.


princessalexis said...

on behalf of Penny

Just wanted to let you know I listen to you almost everyday...and you have lifted my spirits on many of those days. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Mary

I am still numb from your news Kevyn. I will pray for you as I can not go a day without thinking about you. You are truely an inspiration. Just know that you are loved, and If I could take away even some of the fear I would. I'll be in touch. Love, Mary

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Barb

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I cross the river twice each day, and will think of you then and every morning while I listen to the substitutes on your show. I look forward to the day when you will be back on the air updating us all on your life and your children's lives. Take care and for now - just breathe!

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Barbara

Just want you to know we have admire your courage every since you were a reporter on wcco....we are thinking positive thoughts concerning your family is pulling for you

princessalexis said...

Hi Kevyn ~

Sending you positive thoughts and prayers from your friends at Channel 45.

God Bless!


princessalexis said...

on behalf of Char

Chin up, I know it's hard ( i really don't) but I'll keep you in my prayers and you let me know when you are good and I can hear your voice again, I pray for your family also.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Peggy

I heard your story today Kevyn and want you to know that I am thinking of you as I look out on the St. Croix River today in glorious downtown Stillwater. Water has always been a powerful, healing substance in my life. Just by looking at it I feel calm, warm and happy. My job brought me to Stillwater and I thank my God every day that I can be a witness to the beauty of the river. Today, I think of you Kevyn as I sit and enjoy the cool breeze and the smell of spring. I cherish you and your life and will continue to think of you every day as I dream over the sparkling water of the St. Croix River. May the love of your family, friends and strangers keep you safe during your journey in the "river".


princessalexis said...

on behalf o fLori

I wrote in to your show about the greeting between my mom, sisters and I when we'd visit….we'd just give each other the finger.

When my mom was dying of cancer, she was pretty sick and didn't "wave goodbye" anymore. She's gone now, but my sisters and I still greet each other this way.

I will now pass on this favorite 'greeting' in your honor.

Blessings and Joy to You

Oddball Lori

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Marcia

Five years ago my husband had prostate cancer. It was a very trying time in our life. He has been cancer free since his surgery. We are wishing you the same success that he had, we will be praying for you. God Bless.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Vernon


I would like to say I understand how you feel right now, but to be perfectly honest how could I? I am sure no one would know unless they have been in this kind of fight before you. I can say this. I will say a prayer for you often, I will be hoping and cheering for you all the way. It may seem like you are alone but are not.

God Bless, and I will be waiting to hear that wonderful distintive voice on the airwaves once again.

Vern (Skip)

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Lori

Swim Kevyn Swim....I'm praying for you.

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Jan


I have been a devoted fan of yours ever since your days on WCCO-TV. Enjoyed your delightful personality and storytelling ability then, so you can imagine how happy I was last year when I recognized your voice while searching FM stations. You were the one who got me hooked on FM107.

Like all of your listeners, I have been uplifted by your humor and moved by some of your interviews. I'll miss you over the coming months, but will follow your progress until you are back on the air for good.

You are a strong person who has beautifully articulated your faith. May God and his angels be with you and your family in the weeks ahead.


princessalexis said...

on behalf of Journey

Kevyn, I have listened to your show since you began and have tried to call but was never able to get in. I head you this morning and felt compelled to write and tell you my prayers are with you and even though I have not met you in person I believe you to be a courageous, inspirational woman. Hope to hear your voice on the air again soon. Journey

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Marty

Kevyn, I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear about your recent diagnosis. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I truly have no doubt that you will beat this. Coming from a long line (mother and grandmother) of breast cancer, I can start to understand what that five letter word meant to you and your family. I hurt for you knowing the devastation that it can cause. Your strength, intellect, love, joy of life, and invincibility has all been honed to be there for you at this point in your life.

Please know that all of those who love you, on and off the air, are pulling for you and praying for your speedy recovery.


princessalexis said...

on behalf of Amanda

Just wanted to send my love, thoughts and prayers. I love listening to you every morning and feel like I know you, though we've never met. I look forward to hearing you on the air again soon!!

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Allison

Kevyn, I'm in awe of what you did on the radio this morning. It was a wonderful, meaningful hour and even in your time of need, you should know how much your words are helping others. My thoughts are with you -- over the river and everywhere else.



princessalexis said...

on behalf of Glen

Your image of being in the river was helpful and powerful. I'm sure you realize you are not alone, though I imagine you will often feel as if you are. I know too many people, even in the last week, who have new diagnoses of life-changing and in some cases life-ending illness. Your public story may help those more private stories find meaning and support.

This was given to me a few years ago; maybe you've seen it already, maybe it will help.

What Cancer Can't Do

Cancer is so limited....
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot invade the soul.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the spirit.
It cannot lessen the power of the resurrection.

Blessings Kevyn

princessalexis said...

on behalf of Jennifer

I'm a long time listener, and I just want to wish you the best of luck and please know you are in my prayers. You've got all the women in the Twin Cities fighting with you.